Woman killed by a snow plow but driver not sued
Posted On Thursday, December 20, 2007 at at 4:13 PM by Eddie
A woman was struck by a snowtruck on Sunday, December 20th, 2007. 50 year old Amber Verdoni of Missisauga, Ontario was out driving on Elgin Road during a fairly ferocious storm. She emergency parked her car on the side of the road to clean her windshield wipers, but to her surprise, a snow plow truck drove by, clipped her car, and pinned her against the bridge. She died on the scene.
She had two small daughters who were both sitting in the car at the time, and saw their mother die right in front of them. What a horrific moment.. I mean, just a week before Christmas? At least they were not hurt, but only treated for shock at the local hospital.
After police investigation, although it is clear that the driver did kill her by accident, no charges were laid on him.
My rant: I absolutely despise snow plowers here in Toronto. I don't know if it's because they are underpaid or just lazy, but all the time, after an overnight snow storm, they would come to plow around 2 in the afternoon the next day. Like honestly, we've already had over 500 snow related accidents and winter hasn't officially started yet. Around 6 or 7 in the morning, my entire neighborhood comes out and manually shovel our driveways and some parts of the road. This is not our job! But we have no choice either. I really hope the death of this woman would make the city focus more attention to better snow cleaning.